2013/09正式在這裡開始發文啦!請舊雨新知多多交流喔^_^ 秉持著紀錄與分享的信念繼續跟大家伴感情☞工作是為了成就自我,服務他人;玩樂是為了開拓視野,給予工作更多可能。 無名BLOG紀錄如下: 2013/08/06/ 5,000,000人次 2012/09/30/ 4,000,000人次 2012/03/22/ 3,000,000人次 2011/09/06/ 2,000,000人次 2010/10/10/ 1,000,000人次

P.S quando 這個字是義大利文,意思是"何時" 也就是"when" 

Tell me when will you be mine 

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You are my sunshine my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

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DIALOGUE: In a phone conversation with George Bush, Hu Jintao thanked the US for `opposing' Taiwan's independence as well as its bids to join international organizations
By Charles Snyder
Friday, Mar 28, 2008, Page 1 

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Tibetan monks have disrupted a tour by the first foreign journalists invited by China to visit Lhasa since protests erupted two weeks ago, witnesses say. 

About 30 monks shouted pro-Tibetan slogans and defended the Dalai Lama as journalists toured the Jokhang Temple, an Associated Press reporter said.

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我們在日常生活中的語默動靜都要多用心,若能用心, 如果能用心看山,雄偉壯觀的山景,會讓人察覺自己的卑微、渺小,那麼人的一生又有什麼好自高、自大的呢? 如果肯用心細聽,海濤波浪、溪水湍流之聲,就好像在啟示我們!
總之,用心就能體會佛陀的教理、人生的真理。 註: 引述自/◎證嚴上人講

※ 訂位請洽 : 04-24751199  平日一人250 假日及晚上280各加一成服務費 完全吃到飽!

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Story Highlights: Weather, demand from Asia, fuel prices all pushing food prices, analysts say U.N. expects higher food prices for next 10 years. Analysts believe prices will stabilize as farmers plant more crops.

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- If you're seeing your grocery bill go up, you're not alone.

From subsistence farmers eating rice in Ecuador(厄瓜多) to gourmets feasting(美食展) on escargot(法國的食用蝸牛) in France, consumers worldwide face rising food prices in what analysts call a perfect storm of conditions. Freak weather is a factor. But so are dramatic changes in the global economy, including higher oil prices, lower food reserves and growing consumer demand in China and India.

The world's poorest nations still harbor the greatest hunger risk. Clashes over bread in Egypt killed at least two people last week, and similar food riots broke out in Burkina Faso and Cameroon this month.

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From BBC News: Taiwan flashpoint

Taiwan has one of Asia's few functioning democracies and one of its strongest economies. But for the island's 23 million people, the future is overshadowed by an unresolved dispute with China.

China sees the island as a breakaway province which should be reunified, by force if necessary. Hundreds of Chinese missiles now aim across the Taiwan Strait to bring home the point.

Both sides are used to dealing with this fraught relationship, and closer economic ties may eventually make conflict less likely. But until that happens, any flare-up over Taiwan would have much wider implications. Most importantly, it could quickly suck the US into conflict with China, because of US security assurances to Taiwan.

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TAIPEI, Taiwan (CNN) -- Taiwan voters overwhelmingly elected Nationalist Party candidate Ma Ying-jeou to be president on Saturday, apparently choosing the promise of economic growth through closer ties with China over fears that those ties to the mainland could lead to a loss of independence.

Ma, whose campaign touted the economic benefits of better relations with China
, defeated the Democratic Progressive Party's Frank Hsieh, who advocated going slower and holding back in some areas.
眉批:我認為CNN對謝院長的經濟政策並沒有全面的了解,"holding back in some areas"的說法並不是完全正確,我認為要做生意應該是跟開發中國家,也就是比我們好的國家做交流,而不是去跟一個落後國家打交道,何況中國這個國家目前應該算是未開發或是開發中國家,看起來進步似乎很快,但其實貧富差距極大,生活水平也比我們落後許多,衛生條件也比我們差了許多,如果真的讓一大堆中國人進來,與我們平凡百姓最直接的關係就是"B型肝炎傳染"的問題。

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根據暢銷小說改編的「追風箏的孩子」(The Kite Runner)雖然在美國延遲上片,但試片後佳評如潮,導演馬克佛斯特(Marc Forster)肯定電影不會受政治或暴力干預。路透報導,「追」片中因為出現兒童被性侵的鏡頭,讓演出該片的童星在祖國阿富汗遭到迫害,盛傳被追殺而逃難,導致發行的派拉蒙電影公司延遲6周再上片。

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聯合 更新日期:2008/03/17 15:50 記者黃麗華/綜合報導



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導  演: 喬伊舒馬克(Joel Schumacher)
演  員: 基佛蘇德蘭(Kiefer Sutherland)
茱莉亞羅勃茲(Julia Roberts)

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