
此諺語很簡單明瞭,相信大多數人也會贊成。這句話的意思就是family relationships are stronger and more important than other kinds of relationships(家庭關係比其他任何形式的關係都要強烈及重要)、family bonds are closer than those with outsiders (家人的連結要比跟外人的來得緊密),當其他事情與家庭相衝突時,家庭成員的利益便成為首選了。 

台灣這陣子最大條的新聞便是某家庭的貪汙洗錢案,在這個錯綜複雜、牽連無數的世紀大案中,從媒體披露的消息看到,其海外獲利受益人大多是此人之女兒、兒子及其孫女,反觀其女婿及其他三個孫子,因為姓氏不同,就沒有如此「厚遇」,讓人不禁感嘆:blood is thicker than water! 

A: Allan is making me crazy. He promised to introduce a hunk to me, but he later balked! 
A: 我快被阿輪氣死了,說要介紹個帥哥給我,後來竟然反悔了!
hunk (n.)(俚)英俊強壯的男人 balk (v.) 突然停止;退縮
B: Allan? He doesn't seem like a person who would go back on his word. 
B: 阿輪?他不像是會出爾反爾的人啊。
go back on... 不履行…
A: Not usually. But this time, he decided to introduce the hunk to his sister instead! 
A: 他通常是不會啦,不過這次他竟然決定將那個帥哥介紹給他妹妹!
B: His sister? Well, that explains everything! 
B: 他妹妹?這就難怪啦!
A: Why? He promised him to me first. How can he break his promise? 
A: 為什麼?他先說要介紹給我的耶。怎可說話不算話?
B: Blood is thicker than water. Of course he's going to save the best for his family!
B: 血濃於水,好東西當然先跟家人分享啊!
save the best for... 將最好的留給…


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