
這句諺語直譯是「機會只敲一次門」,句中的but是副詞,意為「僅僅…,只是…」。此句通常用來勉勵人把握機會,因為機會若錯失了,可能永不復返。這句話也可寫成:Opportunity seldom knocks twice.(機會很少會敲兩次門)。那麼要如何抓住機會呢?當然必須事前做好所有準備,這也是為什麼有人說:努力的人不一定會成功,但成功的人一定有努力。 

A: I received an admission letter to the Harvard University School of Business... full scholarship, too! 
B: Congratulations! When are you flying out? We should throw you a farewell party. 
throw a party(口語)舉辦派對
A: But I'm still unsure as to whether or not I want to go study there... 
B: Why? This is practically a gift from heaven! 
practically (adv.)(口語)幾乎;差不多
A: But my ex left me while I was serving out my military service, and I'm afraid that the same thing might happen again. 
B: Opportunity knocks but once. Seize the opportunity. Stop being so indecisive!
indecisive (adj.) 優柔寡斷的;無決斷力的


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