這句諺語直譯是「趁有陽光照耀時弄好乾草」,意思是勸人do something while the situation or conditions are right,也就是說一個人應該「善用時間及機會,做必須要做的事情」。
這句諺語也可寫成Strike while the iron is hot.(趁鐵燒熱時鍛鐵),意思也是勸人要在時機來臨時好好把握,趕快行動或做出最有利的決定,因為好時機不會常常有。
這句諺語也可以用在比較輕鬆的情境,例如一個母親可以說:I've got a couple of hours to finish the housework before the kids come home, so I'd better make hay while the sun shines.(離孩子回家前還有兩、三個小時,我最好善用時間做完家事)。
A:Lately I feel like a lot of good things are coming my way.
B:You're not pulling my leg, are you? Tell me more.
pull one's leg 開某人玩笑
A:Well, Jean finally agreed to meet my parents in my hometown down South.
B:Wow. That is a huge step. She has always been reluctant to go there with you.
A:I know. And my boss has really been looking out for me lately. I think I' m being considered as a successor!
look out for someone 照顧某人 successor (n.) 繼任者,接班人
B:Make hay while the sun shines. Push a bit harder. Who knows? Jean might just marry you, and you may even get promoted this year!