文/Dr.J.J. 取自:自由時報
一對恩愛的夫妻或情侶,當然會在睡覺時後聊一些親密的話語,也就是我們中文常說的「枕邊蜜語」。這本來是一件甜蜜且隱私的事情,然而“Pillow Talk”有時候也被我們用來隱喻一些透過不正當的關係,藉而去影響主管在制定一些決策時的「妖言」喔。
Annie:Are you aware that Ella is attending a regional meeting in Japan on behalf of the CEO? She’s not senior enough at all!
Beatrice:Yes, I heard about that already. But I think Ella is quite capable even she hasn’t been with us for long. I guess the CEO just wants to send someone more presentable for the meeting. It’s also good for our branch office, don’t you think?
Beatrice: 是啊,我聽說了。我覺得Ella雖然還沒來多久,但蠻有能力的。我想總裁是想派個比較體面的人去開會,你不覺得這樣對我們分公司的形象也比較好嗎?
Annie:Well, I have different opinion on that. I guess she just did a lot of pillow talks to the CEO. Don’t tell me that you don’t know they’re seeing each other.
Beatrice:Don’t say that, it’s just a rumor. I saw her presenting at the sales review meeting last week, she’s actually very professional and friendly, too. And even if they ARE dating each other, that’s not our business. After all, they’re both single.
Annie:Well… if you say so!
工作上當然不僅止於嚴肅的討論工作,聊聊小八卦,固然不可取,但卻也是普遍存在的一個事實。所以有時候我們會從別人的對話中聽到某人是用很多的”Pillow Talk”去得到個人利益。