By Shih Hsiu-chuan
Friday, Apr 04, 2008, Page 1
The number of tactical(戰略上的) ballistic missiles deployed by China against Taiwan reached more than 1,400 at the end of last year, said the National Security Council (NSC), which said in May 2006 that the figure would rise to more than 800 by the end of that year.
An NSC report released on March 26 said that China had more than 190 cruise missiles targeting Taiwan at the end of last year, rising from more than 100 a year before.
The council said the deployment “allows the People's Liberation Army [PLA] to launch a nine-wave, 12-hour saturation missile attack on Taiwan and conduct precision strikes on more than 100 key targets in Taiwan.”
The Chinese military's successful test-firing in January of its Dong Feng 25 ballistic missile against a weather-satellite marked significant progress in China's space technology in terms of satellite tactical communications, satellite electronic reconnaissance
[](偵查), satellite oceanic navigation and satellite meteorological(氣象的) observation, the report said.
“The PLA possesses all-day technology for aerial surveillance[](監督), satellite imagery and topography[
](地形圖), which can enhance its ability to precisely attack targets in Taiwan,” the report said.
NSC said China had revealed its ambition to expand its sea power to the high seas.
“In 2007, China's ocean exploration ships conducted 14 sorties(突擊隊) in the waters around Taiwan in the name of oceanic survey, intelligence and technology,” it said.
The full text of the report in Mandarin is available on the Presidential Office's Web site. An English version will be publicized at a later date.
我想,"對人好"是一定要的,但是也要有"防人之心",也要看看對象,中共永遠不變的本質及百年來不變的立場:"槍桿子奪政權"。我不知道我們還要用多少的"愛"來包容他們?難道要我們"殉道"才能讓中共改變他的本質嗎?喔!!!NO!!快別這麼天真!如果台灣從此"百依百順",那才是更助長他們的氣燄,以後甚麼"台商不台商" 的!中共才懶得理你,因為台灣"不麻煩"的一天,就是台商全倒的一天,也就是台灣全淪陷的一天!!