
這句諺語直譯是「絕不要用一本書的封面評判它的內容」,意思即before judging something or someone, one needs to take a deeper, closer look at it or him/ her(在評斷一件事或一個人之前,必須更深入地瞭解這件事或人)。這諺語通常用來警告人「不要單憑一個人事物的外表就遽下判斷」,因為結論很可能是錯的。 

就如同這陣子在英國選秀節目Britain's Got Talent大放異彩的「蘇珊大嬸」(Susan Boyle)一般,她第一次上節目時因為相貌平庸而被全場報以噓聲,但當她開口唱出天籟般的歌聲時,全世界的人都學到了:Never judge a book by its cover! 

A: I can hardly believe that the company promoted Ken, and not Jay, to general manager. 
B: It sounds reasonable to me. Jay is a smooth talker, and he's also an ass-kisser. 
註:smooth talker 能言善道、花言巧語之人 ass-kisser (n.) 馬屁精
A: But at least he's a man of striking appearance, and he looks the part. Ken is totally unpresentable. 
look the part 看起來適合這角色 unpresentable (adj.) 見不得人的
B: But Ken does things one step at a time, so he's very trustworthy. 
one step at a time 一步一步來;按部就班
A: To be honest, Ken's performance is way better than Jay's! 
B: This is why you should never judge a book by its cover, right?


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