When someone asks you what sign you are, do you say Scorpio or Dragon? Chinese people have their own zodiac chart. Unlike the Western zodiac, it's based on a 12-year cycle according to the lunar calendar. Each year is represented by a different animal. These animal signs in order are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Many legends explain how the Chinese zodiac came about. The following is a very popular one.
One day, all of these 12 animals were quarrelling about who should be the first animal in the Chinese zodiac. They argued all day long and could not come to an agreement. Finally, the gods suggested that all 12 animals participate in a race to see who would come in first. The race started at one side of a river and all the animals had to swim to the other side.
1. represent vt. vt. 代表,象徵
The color red represents passion.
2. quarrel vi. vi. 爭吵
If you guys want to quarrel, go outside.
3. in order 照順序
Don't mess up the books. They're all in order.
4. all day long 整天
Don't play video games all day long.
5. come to a(n) agreement/decision... 達成共識∕決定等
It's hard for us to come to a conclusion.
6. participate in... 參與……
Nina and I will participate in the march.
7. sign n. n. 星座(本文中亦引申為『生肖』)
8. Scorpio n. n. 天蠍座
9. zodiac n. n. 黃道帶(指太陽、月亮及主要行星於其中運行的假想帶,以一年為運轉週期,依特定的時間劃分為十二等份,各有其所屬的名稱和象徵圖案。本文中也引申為『十二生肖』。)
the signs of the zodiac n. 黃道十二宮,十二星座
10. cycle n. n. 週期;循環
11. rooster n. n. 公雞
One day, all of these 12 animals...
本句中的"one day"表『(過去的)某一天』,可等於"the other day",此時用過去式。"one day"亦可表『(將來)總有一天』,等於 someday,用於未來式。此外,"some other day"表『改天』,用於未來式。例:
A stranger came here one day.
= A stranger came here the other day.
One day I'll carry out my dreams.
= Someday I'll carry out my dreams.
I'll go see that movie some other day.
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- Dec 22 Fri 2006 10:40
【J分享英文】The Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖