Advice on Reading
And now let me give six pieces of specific advice upon your reading:
First, read with full sympathy, casting out prejudices and giving yourselves up wholly to the will of the writer. You must feel him, know him. "When I am reading a book," said Dean Swift, "whether wise or silly, it seems to be alive and talking to me." There was a man who had the art of reading.
第一、閱讀時要完全融入,拋開成見而全神貫注於作者的意向之中。 你必須去感受作者、了解作者。「當我在讀一本書時,」史威夫特院長說過:「聰明也罷,笨拙也罷,它似乎活生生在對我說話。」這真是一個懂得閱讀藝術的人。
sympathy(n.)understanding; the same feeling; consonance一致;贊同
ex.I have no sympathy with your silly ideas.我不贊成你那些愚蠢的主意。
Second, do not worry too much about allusions you do not understand, or pay too much attention to notes and the commentary of scholars. This writing is for you" do not let some pedant step between you and your friend, the writer.
第二、不要太擔心你不了解引喻,或花太多心思在學者的評注上。這篇文章是為你而寫; 別讓一些腐儒學究介入你和「你的朋友」--作者之間。
allusion (n.)a hint 引喻;暗示
ex.She made no allusion to the incident.她沒有提及那個事件。
pedant (n.)
ex.a stale and pedantic scholar 賣弄學問的人;學究;腐儒
Third, read aloud as much as possible. Your roommate, your wife, your sweetheart, your best friend will probably be glad to listen to you. You will be surprised to find how much more pleasure you get from reading by sharing it. Moreover, reading aloud is a valuable aid to interpretation. Hardress O'Grady, an English teacher of speech, in a little book called Reading Aloud, after pointing out how much attention writers give to the sound of their words and phrases, urges the reader to do his part as thoroughly. First by taking in with his eyes the written word, next by saying aloud sounds that compose the words and the rhythms of the sentences, he will, in reverse order, put himself on the same place as the author: he will be imitating those mechanical actions which were the concrete translation of the author's innermost being.
第三、盡可能大聲朗讀。你的室友、妻子、情人以及最好的朋友或許會樂於傾聽。你將訝異地發現:從朗讀的分享中,你得到了更多的樂趣。此外,大聲朗讀對於解釋亦有助益。英國語言教師歐格雷蒂(Hardress O’Grady),在一本名為<大聲朗讀>(Reading Aloud)的小冊子中,指出作者在詞句中的音調投入了多少心思之後,鼓勵讀者徹底地扮演好自己的角色。首先,用眼睛捕捉書寫的文字,接下來大聲頌讀組合成文字的聲音和句子的韻律,如此便會以相反的角度把自己投入與作者同等的地位:模擬那些作者潛藏本性所具體轉化而成的無意識動作。
do one’s part
to shoulder one’s share of responsibility in a communal undertaking(在公共事務中)盡本分
ex.If everyone tries hard, the work will certainly be finished by tonight.如果每人都盡力的話,今天晚上當然可以完成工作。
Fourth, re-read the parts you like best. You will discover new meanings, new beauties, each time you go over a great book, and it will become more and more your own.
Fifth, if the volume you are reading is your own, do not hesitate to mark in the margin the passages that appeal to you. My reason for giving this counsel may be briefly stated thus: You are collaborating with the writer when you read his book. Your experience, ideas, and feelings join with his in producing the total effect of the book. now if you mark the book, you are leaving an actual physical record of that collaboration; you have stamped the book as your own in a visible way. I hope you will own many of the books you read, and that you will stamp them with evidence of your ownership of them.
Sixth, and last, think back. Consider what you have read in the light of the whole discuss it with your reading partner, or with whomever you can get to listen. As to notes on your reading, do not make them if they seem onerous to you. Some people, however, find making a few notes enlightening and helpful. the flyleaves of the book are a good place. There is nothing sacred about the physical book: it is for use.
in the light of
with the help given by or gained from 按照;根據
ex.He made his decision in the light of what he had heard.他是根據所聽到的消息來做決定的。