"A German has been dubbed "the man with the bottomless stomach" as he binges on over 12,000 calories a day without gaining an ounce in weight. "一名德國人已被封為「無底胃男」,因為他一天狂吃1萬2000多卡路里熱量,體重卻未增1盎司。
註:1 公斤 = 35.2739 盎司
Heinz Asthoff was struck with an incurable hunger following the death of his wife 22 years ago. His incredible ability to eat endlessy without getting fat has been the subject of scientific studies and a TV programme in his homeland. 漢斯.艾斯索夫22年前喪妻後,就為無可救藥的飢餓所苦。他不停地吃,卻不會發胖的非凡功力,一直是科學研究和他家鄉一個電視節目探討的主題。
On any given day he will eat a 2.2lb chunk of leberkase meat loaf, 5lb of potatoes, a dozen eggs, a pint of mayonnaise, pizzas, chips and sometimes as many as 20 meat patties. 在任何一天,他都可以吃下一大塊重2.2磅的雷巴克斯肉糜捲、5磅馬鈴薯、1打雞蛋、1品脫的美乃滋、披薩、洋芋片,有時會吃下多達20個肉餡餅。
不說你不知道牠的食量驚人!以我的食量,如果只吃meat patties
The trouble is that Heinz, 68, from Offenbach, is spending more on food than he has pension money. 麻煩的是,68歲、來自奧芬巴哈的漢斯花在食物的錢超過所領的退休金。"I can’t eat out anymore. Last time I went to a pub I ordered a potato pancake and ended up eating 100 of them. I can’t afford it."「我再也不能外食了。上次我到一家酒吧,點一盤馬鈴薯煎餅,結果吃下100盤,我負擔不起。」
這個真的很麻煩!'想吃的時候口袋空空真的就很氣人啊!!有次我為了省錢買我愛的衣服就把吃的錢省下來!可是那一段時間everytime, everywhere都覺得很飢餓!!那一陣子真的很抓狂!後來一不做二不修就把衣服給忘了!然後去買一大堆食物來滿足自己!!我很能體會那種飢餓的感覺!
He is nearly six feet tall and weighs 15 stone. "My doctors says my stomach is like the mine I worked down for 36 years --black and bottomless," he said. 他身高近6呎(約180公分),體重15英石(約95公斤)。「醫生說我的胃就像我工作36年的礦坑─黑又不見底,」他說。