
今天我們要進入第一篇 : 訂機票




A: Hello. This is China Airlines. 中華航空,您好。 
B: I'd like to reconfirm my flight. 我想要再確認班機。

A: What's your name and flight number?請說您的大名與班機號碼 
B: My name is Jenny Cheng, and the flight number is CI 0004 for San Francisco. 
我的名字是Jenny Cheng,班機號碼是飛往舊金山的CI 0004班機。

A: When is it? 行程是那一天? 
B: October 31st. 10月31日。 (唸October thirty first) 
     I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves. 我想要確認班機時間沒有改變。 


1.   make a flight reservation預訂機位 
ex. I want to make a flight reservation.我要預訂機位 

book a flight訂機票 (book當動詞用時意為flight在此意為航班
ex. I would like to book a flight to Taipei. 我想訂去台北的機票。
ex. Do you have a ten o'clock flight to Taipei today? 今天有10點飛台北的班次嗎? 

make reservations for 數量  預訂X個位子(適用於餐廳或飛機訂位) 
ex. I want to make reservations for 2.我要預訂兩個位子

4.   economy class經濟艙 business class 商務艙 first class 頭等艙 upgrade 升等 
一架飛機可分成頭等艙F. A商務艙C. D.經濟艙H. K. L. M. B.或是W. G.經濟艙團體票,一般來說頭等艙,商務艙是沒有團體機票的,至於這些英文的代號是怎麼來的,代號不同又有甚麼不一樣,可能要請在航空業服務的人幫忙解說了!!

5.   reconfirm再確認(confirm確認的意思
ex. I want to confirm my seat. 我想確認我的位子(訂位)

6. cancel 取消
ex. I want to cancel my reservation. 我想取消訂位

7. check-in counter 報到櫃台
ex. Where is the check-in counter for China Airlines? 華航的報到櫃台在哪裡?

8. depart 起飛
ex. When will you depart from the airport? 你甚麼時候會離開機場?
ex. When will you depart for the airport? 你甚麼時候要去機場?
depart from A = leave from A 離開A地
depart for A = leave for A 前往A地

9. window seat 靠窗的位子 aisle seat 靠走道的位子
ex. Please give me a window seat. 請給我靠窗的位子。
ex. Please give me an aisle seat. 請給我靠走道的位子。

10. boarding gate登機門 board 登/上(機,船,車) terminal 航空站,航夏,終點
ex. We should go to gate number 4. 我們應該去4號登機門。
ex. We should board the plane at 9 a.m.我們應該要在上午九點時登機。
ex. We got off at the terminal station.我們在終點站下車。
ex. We should go to terminal 2 to get on the plane.我們應該到第二航廈搭機。

11. exchange rate 匯率
ex. What is the exchange rate today? 今天的匯率是多少?

12. tourist information 旅遊諮詢中心
ex. Where is the tourist information? 旅遊諮詢中心在那裡?

13. airport bus 機場巴士 shuttle 接駁巴士
ex. Is there an airport bus to the city? 有機場巴士到市區的嗎?

14. rent a car 租車
ex. I want to rent a car. 我想要租車。

15. flight duration 飛行時間
ex. From San Francisco to Taipei, the flight duration is 11 hours.

1. May I have a seat in the first row? We would like to sit together.

2. When is the boarding time? 幾點登機?

3. What’s the number of the boarding gate?登機門是幾號?

4. Can this bag be a carry-on? 這件行李可以隨身攜帶嗎?

1. 我有一件行李要拖運。
2. 我不要靠走道的位子。
3. 我有會員卡。請幫我累積旅程點數。

1. baggage / luggage
2. check-in
3. membership card
4. add
5. travel mileage

A: How many items do you have?行李有幾件?
B: I only have one item.只有一件

問起飛時間: When is the flight taking off? (or leaving) 班機哪時起飛?
甚麼時候降落: When is the flight landing? (or arriving)班機哪時到達?
領行李時: Where is the baggage claim area?行李提領區在哪?

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