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目前分類:愛文法超EZ (19)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 地址英譯
譯典通知訊網 Free Translation
Babel Fish Translation 奇摩字典 (台灣)
達鎂語文網 The Web of On-Line Dictionary
英漢/漢英線上字典 林語堂當代詞典
網路翻譯家 (字典、字彙、文法 ) 翻譯人員工作室
互動式英漢學習字典, 單字遊戲 字源字根查詢 (etymology dictionary)
有問必答網 Yahoo各種語文字典
麥米倫字典 WIKI 線上百科



文化國小線上測驗 哈星星英檢單字遊戲
基本學測 語言訓練測驗中心 ( 全民英檢 )
藍道英聽測驗 全民網路英檢
高雄市國小英語教學資源中心 (有英語線上分級檢定 ) 國中小1200基本單字發音及例句



Hi2ez ~~ 每日一句 歡樂熊 ~~ 每日一句
文化大學 ~~ 每日一句 佳音英語網
翰林文教網 康軒教育網
南e網 仁林文教網
高雄縣九年一貫教學網 高雄縣教學資源網
高縣快樂學英語線上收視區 國中英語輔導網
國中小英文千字 e 學習 九年一貫課程國中英語諮詢服務
台北市大安國小英語網 英文繪本網站
台北市國小英語教學資源庫 台南市國小英語科教學網站
台北市龍山國中英語領域網 台南市大港國小英語教學網
中正大學國小英語教學工作坊課堂資料 中興大學懂更懂英文學習網
台北市信義國中英語學習網 台北市敦化國中英語學習網
桃園國中英語網 青年國中英語網
東吳大學英語 e 學園 花蓮縣宜昌國中英語敎學研究會
網路學習園區 新竹縣國中英教網
高苑英語學習站 EZ半線英語 (彰化英輔團)
台北秀山國小均鞠老師英語教學網 碧湖國小鄭美選老師英語網
中央大學英語學習資料庫 輔仁大學英語網
花崗張老師 EPT英語
空中英語教室  大家說英語
喬登美語 芝麻街美語
Live ABC 互動英語 語言家教學網
時代雜誌 e4 公視英語
常春藤解析英語 實用生活美語 ALE
中國郵報 ( CHINA POST ) 雙語學生郵報 (Student Post)
英語直通車 英語傳教士  
鵝媽媽英語教室 英語教育電子月刊
多國語言學習網 Hi2ez語言學習網 
英語教師指引 蝦米小居英語教學網
英文寫作秘訣 (11 Rules of Writing)  Alice英文天地 (會議英文, 大學聯考作文)
小笨霖英語筆記本 英語學習筆記
Kelly英文文法補給站 巨璣1390
超好玩英語互動學習網 CBBC卡通遊戲英語
遊戲學堂 英語動畫文法
網際高校  小英網
英語543  瘋之谷 
BBC for children 燭光故事集
Grammar Lady FAQ English Zone
Spring Park WordCenter ( 英詩 )
The Virtual Language Center Just Talk
Fun English PC home online 學習網 
Genki English BEENLEIGH
Home schooler's Helper Bookworm
Kids Domain Kid's Space
PBSKIDS ( games, music, coloring )

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1.The man and his dog  are crossing the street. 
   The man and his dog  do not live in this town. 
2.My brother lives in Taipei. 
   My brother will come back next week.

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For example:
 1. I bought three books. 
 2. Those books are about English grammar. 
→I bought three books which are about English grammar. 

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錯的打(x)並畫線寫下正確答案;對的打(o)例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom 
1. (x) You should tell me the day when he will come back. 
2. (x) Can you tell me the reason why you did so? 
3. (o) This is the house I bought last month. 

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例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom 
1. (x) I saw the cat which is on the floor. 
2. (x) The man who is talking on the phone is my brother. 
3. (x) I bought three books which are about English grammar. 

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例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom
1. (x) The cat whose color is black is very cute.
2. (x) I am talking to the boy whose father is a doctor.
3. (o) The girl you talk is a movie star.

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例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom
1. (x) He is the tallest boy that I have ever seen.
2. (x) Who is the girl that has long hair?
3. (x) This is the house in which John lives.

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Lesson6 (4%*23=92)
In the year 1620, several ___________(百) ___________(清教徒) moved to the New World ___________(介系詞) a little ship, the Mayflower. In the first year, they had a lot of ___________(問題). The ___________(天氣) was bad and they didn’t have ___________(足夠) food. Many people were sick and ___________(死亡). But the Pilgrims were not ___________(害怕). They ___________ ___________(努力工作). The Indians also ___________(幫助) them. They had a good ___________(收成) the next year. Everyone was happy and ___________(感恩的). They invited the Indians and ___________(慶祝) the ___________(收成) ___________(介系詞) a big dinner.

Now, ___________ is an ___________ holiday in the USA and Canada. People get ___________ with their family and usually ___________ their friends, too. They often have big ___________. But the really ___________ thing is always ___________.

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Lesson5 (4%*23=92)
Cell phones are very ___________ now. Many young people use ___________. They ___________ ___________ their friends, send ___________, listen to ___________, play ___________, and even ___________ the Net ___________ them. Some people ___________ cell phones. Cell phones ___________ ___________ their new clothes and new ___________.

Many people are not ___________ ___________ (關心)their cell phones. Cell phones are small. Sometimes their ___________(主人) forget ___________(介系詞) them. In Taiwan, many ___________(千) cell phones can’t find their ___________(主人) every year.
Do you have a cell phone? Do you ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________(好好照顧) it?

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Lesson4 (3%*24=72)

Amanda Brown is a computer ___________(工程師). Three years ago, she ___________(搬家) to Taiwan ___________ her family and ___________(找到) a job here. She ___________(學) some Chinese and ___________(交) many Chinese friends. Ted Wu, ___________ ___________(例如), ___________ her good friend. They often go out ___________(一起).

Last Sunday morning, they ___________ a ___________ (約會). Amanda was ___________ ___________(等待) Ted in the park. Ted was late and he ___________(道歉). But Amanda didn’t ___________(介意). She didn’t ___________(責備) him at all.

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1.The man and his dog that are crossing the street do not live in this town.
2.My brother who lives in Taipei will come back next week.
3.The man who is talking on the phone is my brother.
4.Here comes the man for whom I am waiting.

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For example:
1. I bought three books.
2. Those books are about English grammar.
→I bought three books which are about English grammar.

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• 何謂關係子句?
1. 那個男人是我哥。
2. 那個男人在講電話。 →那個在講電話的男人是我哥。

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例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom
1. You should tell me the day he will come back.
2. Can you tell me the reason you did so?
3. This is the house I bought last month.

Jenny老師 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom
1. I saw the cat who is on the floor.
2. The man whom is talking on the phone is my brother.
3. I bought three books which is about English grammar.

Jenny老師 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom
1. The cat which color is black is very cute.
2. I am talking to the boy father is a doctor.
3. The girl you talk is a movie star.

Jenny老師 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

例:The girl to who you talked is my sister.(x)whom
1. He is the tallest boy who I have ever seen.
2. Who is the girl who has long hair?
3. This is the house which John lives.

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