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目前分類:愛英文課 (51)

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A Friend is.... 朋友就是 .....

Accepts you as you are 接受原本的你

Believes in "you" 相信你這個人

Calls you just to say "Hi" 打電話給你就是想說聲"嗨"

Doesn't give up on you 從不放棄對你的信心

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《中英對照讀新聞》Sudoku addicts halt Australian drugs trial/數獨迷讓澳洲毒品審判喊停 摘自自由時報


An Australian drugs trial lasting more than three months and costing taxpayers over A$1 million has been aborted after a number of jurors were found to have spent up to half the time playing Sudoku puzzles.

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文/Dr.J.J. 取自自由時報


Mark:Do you think we should invite some politicians or celebrities to come to our charity dinner auction?

Celine:It sounds like a good idea. 

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文/Dr.J.J. 取自自由時報

很多人一旦擁有權力後,往往整個人都變了個樣,擺出一副「不可一世」的高傲姿態。而英文裡的”act high and mighty!”,就可以用來形容某人表現的(act)好像自己很高高在上(high)又擁有無比能耐(mighty)的樣子。

同理,”the high and mighty”也就可以用來形容「權貴人士」了。

Jean:Did you just see Amy passing by?

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文/Dr.J.J. 取自:自由時報

一對恩愛的夫妻或情侶,當然會在睡覺時後聊一些親密的話語,也就是我們中文常說的「枕邊蜜語」。這本來是一件甜蜜且隱私的事情,然而“Pillow Talk”有時候也被我們用來隱喻一些透過不正當的關係,藉而去影響主管在制定一些決策時的「妖言」喔。

Annie:Are you aware that Ella is attending a regional meeting in Japan on behalf of the CEO? She’s not senior enough at all!

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Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

So they [the Government] go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent.

Winston Churchill,House of Commons, 11 Nov. 1947

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The Online Disinhibition Effect
by John Suler, Ph.D.

(Page 5 of 53)

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By James Grubel

CANBERRA, May 22 (Reuters) - Matches made over the Internet often do not last because people end up choosing unsuitable partners and forming emotional bonds before meeting face-to-face, an Australian university researcher has found.

Women were especially susceptible to finding Mr. Wrong, as they tend to be attracted by witty comments or clever emails, said psychologist Matthew Bambling from the Queensland University of Technology.

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A group of scientists including N.C. State University paleontologist Mary Schweitzer have discovered new scientific evidence that the cowardly chicken has a ferocious relative : Tyrannosaurus rex, the meat-eating dinosaur that stood 15 to 20 feet tall.


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So much for the curse. The New York Yankees have ended a construction worker’s attempt to jinx their new stadium with a buried Boston Red Sox jersey. 詛咒的威力也不過如此。紐約洋基隊已經終止了一名建築工人把一件波士頓紅襪隊球衣埋在洋基隊新球場,企圖讓洋基隊倒楣的計畫。

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《中英對照讀新聞》Man suffering from incurable hunger男子受苦於無可救藥的飢餓 (摘自自由時報)
"A German has been dubbed "the man with the bottomless stomach" as he binges on over 12,000 calories a day without gaining an ounce in weight. "一名德國人已被封為「無底胃男」,因為他一天狂吃1萬2000多卡路里熱量,體重卻未增1盎司。
註:1 公斤 = 35.2739 盎司

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Obama對他的舊識Wright牧師對他的批評用"愛與寬容"一字一句不見血的給打了回去!這是"大內高手"的作為(大內高手並無貶義,我認為政治人物就應該如此!),他用"愛與寬容"並且捍衛自己信念的態度,把Wright給擊敗,沒有攻擊,沒有惡言相向,他成功的吸引了眾人的目光,也擊敗那些對他做出攻擊言語及行為的人。不用謾罵,他讓那些批評他的人變成一無是處,但他仍舊讚揚著那些攻擊他卻有功績的人!Obama越是讚揚那些人,你越覺得那些人的言行舉止粗鄙,然後Obama在你心中將成為一個"無懈可擊"的聖人!雖然他一直強調自己是一個:"a candidacy as imperfect as my own"

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The news from BBC

Fifty-four Burmese migrants have been found dead after suffocating in a lorry smuggling them into southern Thailand.

More than 100 people were packed into a container measuring 6m by 2m. Many of the survivors are seriously ill from dehydration and lack of oxygen.

The driver opened the doors of the vehicle after the migrants banged on the walls - but he fled on foot when he saw what had happened.

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When you dine out, the bill can sometimes be hard to stomach.

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CROSS-STRAIT THREAT: The latest National Security report said that Beijing could launch a 12-hour saturation missile attack and hit more than 100 key targets in Taiwan
By Shih Hsiu-chuan
Friday, Apr 04, 2008, Page 1

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A Filipina bride is suing her former fiance after he ran off with another woman before the wedding ceremony had even finished.

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DIALOGUE: In a phone conversation with George Bush, Hu Jintao thanked the US for `opposing' Taiwan's independence as well as its bids to join international organizations
By Charles Snyder
Friday, Mar 28, 2008, Page 1 

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Tibetan monks have disrupted a tour by the first foreign journalists invited by China to visit Lhasa since protests erupted two weeks ago, witnesses say. 

About 30 monks shouted pro-Tibetan slogans and defended the Dalai Lama as journalists toured the Jokhang Temple, an Associated Press reporter said.

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